Register For HopeWorks Programming
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Our Programs
MC3 -Le Chœur de concert des enfants montréalais / The Montreal Children’s Concert Choir (MC3) regroupera des jeunes, rehaussera leurs talents, leur confiance, leur autodiscipline et leur estime de soi par l’entremise de chants inspirants et de tambours et de danses afro-antillais. MC3 brings together youth to build their talent, confidence, self-discipline and self-respect through Inspirational Song and Afro-Caribbean drum and dance.
The 150 Voices - Free Virtual Program
In response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, The HopeWorks Connection is offering Free Virtual Programming to Canadian youth ages 7-18 (grades 2-12).
Recognizing the transformative power that the performing arts and academic success can have on young people, HopeWorks will provide enriching virtual programming for African-Canadian and racialized youth in marginalized communities.
HopeWork's 150 Voices Free Virtual Program engages Canadian youth to collectively build their performing arts knowledge and skill, learning from African-Canadian arts professionals in a holistic, educational, fun-filled virtual group environment.
Upon registration members access:
●Live! Weekly Music Workshops
●Access to exclusive member content
●Special Guest Performances & Workshops
●Afro-Caribbean Drum Workshops
●Afrocentric Dance Workshops
●Homework Support
●Special Events & Opportunity to perform in a showcase
●And More!
The Toronto Children’s Concert Choir & Performing Arts Company (TC3)
Is more than a choir. Bringing together young people ages 7 to 18 from across the Greater Toronto area, TC3’s mission is to promote, develop and encourage youth through inspirational song, dance and Afro-Caribbean drumming. The focus is always on establishing excellence, holistic development and first-rate performance.
TC3 provides a culturally-rich musical arts program that ranges from spirituals to hip hop. Our positive environment nurtures a sense of extended family and community.
As HopeWorks’ premier program TC3 has performed on television, at corporate events as well as at sold-out performances and on international tours. We have also released an award-winning album.
However, our proudest fact is that young people who stay with TC3 complete high school and an impressive 90% continue on to higher education.
Participation in the performing arts company includes specialized training (vocals, stage presence), performance opportunities and tours, access to the dance and drum programs, academic tutorials and day camps.
Since TC3’s mandate is to meet the whole need of each chorister, we do not separate academics from musical training: if a member is late for the homework/academic tutorial period, that member is late for choir rehearsal.
Since TC3’s mandate is to meet the whole need of each chorister, we do not separate academics from musical training: if a member is late for the homework/academic tutorial period, that member is late for choir rehearsal.
Academics and community service are central to each young person’s development as a leader. TC3 participants are given opportunities to teach other young people through peer-led workshops. Members are encouraged to write and perform original pieces and offered leadership responsibilities.
All of this happens with the support of positive role models, mentors and instructors.
Young people who join TC3 can expect not only a broad scope of musical training and personal and academic support but to make positive friendships, strive for excellence as well as have performance opportunities which give them a chance to shine, to travel and learn more about the world they live in.
Le Chœur de concert des enfants montréalais / The Montreal Children’s Concert Choir (MC3)
– The HopeWorks Connection (HWC), fondée par la révérende Denise Gillard, est fière de présenter Le Projet 150 voix! À HWC, nous savons que la participation aux arts de la scène ainsi que l’expérience de l’amélioration des résultats scolaires peuvent transformer toute jeune personne. HWC offre des programmes uniques et intéressants pour les jeunes et lance maintenant Le Chœur de concert des enfants montréalais / The Montreal Children’s Concert Choir (MC3)! MC3 regroupera des jeunes montréalais de 7 à 18 ans, rehaussera leurs talents, leur confiance, leur autodiscipline et leur estime de soi par l’entremise de chants inspirants et de tambours et de danses afro-antillais.
– The HopeWorks Connection (HWC), founded by the Rev. Denise Gillard, proudly presents The 150 Voices Project! We at HWC know that participation in the performing arts and the experience of academic improvement can transform any young person. HWC has provided unique, engaging programs for youth and has now launched Le Chœur de concert des enfants montréalais / The Montreal Children’s Concert Choir (MC3)! MC3 will bring together Montreal youth ages 7 -18 years, build their talent, confidence, self-discipline and self-respect through Inspirational Song and Afro-Caribbean drum and dance.